Sermon Archives of U.H.P.C.
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U.H.P.C. 124 years
"A Place for Worship"
"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. ~ O Lord we beseech you, give us success".
(Psalms 118:24 & 25b)
Sermon Archives
. April 28, 2019
. May 5th, 2019
. May 19th, 2019
. May 26th, 2019
. June 9th, 2019
.June 16th. 2019
.August 11th, 2019
.September 29th, 2019
.October 6th, 2019
.Oct 27th, 2019
Guest Pastors
2020 2021 2022
Feb 2nd- Rev. George Abosi January 3rd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C January 2nd- Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C
Feb 9th- Rev. Lynne West-C January 10th- Elder Etta G. Mitchell January 9th-Rev. George Abosi
Feb 16th- Rev. George Abosi January 17th - Rev. George Abosi. January 16th- Rev. Brenda Berry
Feb 23rd-Rev. Seth Johnson January 24th - Rev. George Abosi. January 23rd-Rev. Lonnie Bryant
March 8th-Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell February 7th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C February 6th-Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C
March 15th-Rev. George Abosi February 14th-Elder Etta G. Mitchell February 13th-Rev. George Abosi
March 22nd- Rev. Seth Johnson February 21st -Rev. Seth Johnson. February 20th-Elder Etta Graham Mitchell
March 29th- Rev. Seth Johnson February 28th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant. February 27th-Rev. Lonnie Bryant
April 5th- Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell March 7th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C March 6th-Rev. Lonnie Bryant -C
April 12th-Rev. Seth Johnson March 14th - Elder Etta G. Mitchell. March 13th-Elder Etta Graham Mitchell
April 19th- Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C March 21 - Rev. Seth Johnson. March 20th-Elder Etta Graham Mitchell
April 26th- Rev. Lonnie Bryant March 28th - Rev. Seth Johnson March 27th-Rev. Seth Johnson
May 3rd - Rev. George Abosi April 4th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C. April 3rd- Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C
May 10th - Rev. Seth Johnson April 11th -Elder Etta G. Mitchell April 10th-Elder Etta G-Mitchell
May 17th - Rev. Seth Johnson April 18th -Rev. George Abosi. April 17th-Rev. George Abosi
May 24th - Rev. George Abosi April 25th - Rev. George Abosi. April 24th- Rev. Lonnie Bryant
May 31st - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell May 2nd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C. May 1st-Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C
June 7th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C May 9th - Rev. Seth Johnson May 8th-Women of UHPC
June 14th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell May 16 - Elder Etta G. Mitchell. May 15th-Rev. George Abosi
June 21st - Rev. Lonnie Bryant May 23 - Elder Etta G. Mitchell. May 22nd- Rev. Lonnie Bryant
June 28th - Rev. Seth Johnson May 30 - Rev. Seth Johnson. May 29th- Rev. George Abosi
July 5th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C June 6th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C. June 5th-Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C
July 12th- Rev. George Abosi June 13th-Elder Etta G.Mitchell. June 12th-Elder Etta G-Mitchell
July 19th - Elder Etta Graham -Mitchell June 20th - Rev.Lonnie Bryant-C. June 19th-Rev.Lonnie Bryant
July 26th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant June 27th - Rev. Seth Johnson. June 26th- Rev. George Abosi
August 2nd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C July 4th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C July 3rd - Rev. George Abosi
August 9th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant July 11th-Elder Etta G Mitchell. July 10th - The Men of UHPC
August 16th -Rev. George Abosi July 18th -Rev. George Abosi. July 17th -Elder Etta G. Mitchell
August 23rd - Rev. Seth Johnson July 25th - Rev. Seth Johnson. July 24th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant
August 30th- Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell August 1st - Rev.Lonnie Bryant-C. July 31st - Elder Etta G. Mitchell
Sept 6th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C August 8th-Elder Etta G Mitchell. Aug. 7th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C
Sept 13th -Rev. George Abosi August 15th-Elder Etta G Mitchell. Aug 14th - Elder Etta G. Mitchell
Sept 20th - Rev. Seth Johnson August 22nd - Rev. George Abosi. Aug 21st -Deacon Lola Taylor
Sept 27th - Rev. Seth Johnson August 29th - Rev. Seth Johnson. Aug 28th - Elder Etta G Mitchell
Oct. 4th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C. Sept.5th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant - C. Sept. 4th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant -C
Oct. 11th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell. Sept 12 - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell. Sept 11th - Rev. George Abosi
Oct. 18th - Elder Renea Bush Sept 19 - Rev. George Abosi Sept. 18th - Rev.Lonnie Bryant
Oct. 25th - Rev. George Abosi Sept. 26 - Rev. Seth Johnson. Sept 25th - Elder Etta G Mitchell
Nov. 1st.- Rev. Lynne West-C Oct. 3rd- Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C Oct. 2nd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C
Nov. 8th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell. Oct.10 - Rev. Seth Johnson. Oct.9th - Rev. George Abosi
Nov. 15th - Rev. Seth Johnson Oct. 17-Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell. Oct 16th - UHPC Elders/Deacons
Nov. 22nd - Rev, Lonnie Bryant Oct.24 - Rev. George Abosi Oct. 23rd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant
Nov.29th - Rev. Seth Johnson Oct. 31-Rev. Etta Graham-Mitchell Oct. 30th - Elder Graham-Mitchell
December 6th - Rev. Lynne West - C Nov. 7- Rev. Lonnie Bryant - C Nov. 6th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C
December 13th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell. Nov. 14- Rev. Seth Johnson Nov. 13th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell
December 20th - Rev. Seth Johnson Nov. 21 - Rev. George Abosi Nov. 20th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell
December 27th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant. Nov. 28-Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell Nov. 27th - Rev. George Abosi
Dec. 5th- Rev. Lonnie Bryant -C Dec 4th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C
Dec. 12- Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell. Dec. 11th - Rev. Charles Mayhew
Dec. 19 - Rev. George Abosi Dec. 18th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant
"C" = Communion
Dec. 26-Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell Dec. 25th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell
2023. 2024. 2025
Jan 1st - Elders & Deacons Jan. 7th. - Rev. Lonnie Bryant (C/S). Jan 5th-Rev.C.Mayhew(C)
Jan 8th - Rev. Charles Mayhew Jan 14th - Rev. George Abosi Jan 12th-Rev. G.Abosi
Jan 15th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C Jan 21st - Rev. Charles Mayhew Jan 19th-Elder E G Mitchell
Jan 22nd - Rev. George Abosi Jan 28th - Rev. George Abosi Jan 26th-Rev L.Bryant
Jan 29th - Rev. Charles Mayhew Feb. 4th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant (C/C) Feb. 2nd-Rev. L. Bryant
Feb. 5th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C Feb. 11th - Rev Charles Mayhew Feb. 9th -Elder E.G.Mitchell
Feb 12th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell Feb. 18th - Rev. Charles Mayhew Feb.16th-Rev G. Abosi
Feb 19th - Rev. George Abosi Feb. 25th - Elder Etta.G-Mitchell Feb.23rd-Elder EG Mitchell
Feb 26th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell March 3rd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant(C) March 2nd-Rev.L.Bryant
March 5th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant - C March 10th - Elder Etta G-Mitchell March 9th-Elder EG Mitchell
March 12th - Rev. Charles Mayhew March 17th - Elder Kenneth Godfrey March 16th- Elder K. Godfrey
March 19th-Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell March 24th - (Palm)Rev. G. Abosi March 23rd-Rev. G. Abosi
March 26th-Elder Etta Graham- Mitchell March 31st -(Easter)Elder E.G-Mitchell March 30th-Elder EG Mitchell
April 2nd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant -C. April 7th - Rev. George Abosi April 6th - Rev. L. Bryant
April 9th - Rev. Charles Mayhew April 14th -(Ann.)Rev. C. Mayhew(C) April 13th - Elder EG Mitchell
April 16th - UHPC Elders/Deacons April 21st - Deacon Cora Jones April 20th - Rev. G. Abosi
April 23rd - Rev. George Abosi April 28th - Elder Etta.G-Mitchell April 27th - Elder E G Mitchell
April 30th - Elder Kenneth Godfrey May 5th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant (C/S)
May 7th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant -C May 12th - The UHPC Women
May 14th - The UHPC Women. May 19th - Elder Etta G-Mitchell
May 21st - Rev. George Abosi May 26th - Elder Kenneth Godfrey
May 28th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell June 2nd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant (C)
June 4th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant -C. June 9th - Rev. Charles Mayhew
June 11th - Rev. Charles Mayhew June 18th - Rev. George Abosi & Men
June 18th - The UHPC Men & Rev. Abosi. June 23rd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant
June 25th - Elder Etta Graham-Michell. June 30th - Elder Etta G-Mitchell
July 2nd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant -C. July 7th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant (C/S)
July 9th - Elder Lola Taylor July 14th - Elder Etta G- Mitchell
July 16th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant July 21st - Rev. Charles Mayhew
July 23rd - Rev. George Abosi. July 28th - Rev. Charles Mayhew
July 30th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell. Aug. 4th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant (C/S)
Aug. 6th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant - C. Aug. 11th - Rev. George Abosi
Aug. 13th - Rev. George Abosi Aug.18th - Elder Etta G-Mitchell
Aug. 20th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell. Aug. 25th - Rev. George Abosi
Aug. 27th - Elder Etta Graham-Mitchell. Sept. 1st - Rev. Charles Mayhew
Sept. 3rd - Rev. Charles Mayhew Sept. 8th - Rev. George Abosi
Sept 10th - Rev. George Abosi__ _____. Sept. 22nd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant (C)___
Sept. 17th - Rev, Lonnie Bryant-C Sept. 29th - Elder Etta G- Miychell
Sept. 24th - Rev. George Abosi Oct. 6th - Rev. Lonnis Bryant (C/S)
Oct. 1st - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C Oct. 13th - Elder Etta G-Mitchell
Oct. 8th - Rev. George Abosi Oct. 20th - Rev. George Abosi
Oct. 15th - Elder Etta G-Mitchell Oct. 27th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant (Ann)
Oct. 22nd - Elder Etta G-Mitchell Nov. 3rd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant (C)
Oct. 29th - Elder Kenneth Godfrey Nov.10th - Elder Etta G-Mitchell
Nov. 5th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C Nov. 17th - Rev. George Abos
Nov. 12th - Elder Etta G-Mitchell Nov. 24th - Elder Etta G-Miychell
Nov. 19th - Rev. George Abosi Dec. 1st - Rev. Lonnie Bryant(C/S)
Nov. 26th - Elder Etta G- Mitchell Dec. 8th - Rev. George Abosi
Dec. 3rd - Rev. Lonnie Bryant-C Dec. 15th - Elder Etta G-Mitchell
Dec. 10th - Elder Etta G-Mitchell Dec. 22nd - Rev. George Abosi
Dec. 17th - Rev. George Abosi Dec. 29th - Elder Etta G-Mitchell
Dec. 24th - Rev. Lonnie Bryant
Dec. 31th - Rev. Charles Mayhew
ZELLE to UHPC at 917-364-2833.