U.H.P.C. Presbyterian Women
"Daughters of the King"
(B'not Ha-Melek)
“Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment
of what was spoken by the Lord”(Luke 1:45)
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves:
- To nurture our faith through prayer
and Bible Study.
To support the mision of the church
worldwide .
- To work for justice and peace, and
-To built an inclusive caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witness to the promise of God's Kingdom
Elections in March
Memorial Day 2015 at the VA
Women's Ministry, Pastor & Members distributing gifts to the Veterans.
Memorial Day 2016 at the VA
Women's Ministry, Pastor & Members
distributing gifts to the Veterans.
End of Heart Health Month
February 2019
March is Women's
History Month
The Women's Ministry Distributed Gifts to the Veterans, Celebrating the 2019 Holiday at the James J. Peters VA Living Center.
Gone But Not Forgotten........Rest In Peace at the Right Hand of God !
Elder Doris Simms.....................Sept., 2019
Deacon Freeda Peart.................Nov., 2023
Sister Cecilia Annoh..................March, 2024
ZELLE to UHPC at 917-364-2833.